It takes a while to unlock your full range of smartphone apps in The Fractured But Whole, but once you do, you have a lot of means of controlling and customizing your team. You can change everything, including your moves, at the start of a fight So in addition to balancing your party’s skills, as you would do with a role-playing game, it’s important to make sure you’re also bringing teammates with complementary moves, which will give you the ability to work together and hit as many different targets as possible every turn. Similarly, some characters have healing abilities, others can debuff enemies, and so on. If you bring three “brutalist” heroes, all of whom need to stay right on top of the enemies they fight, you’re going to throw them in each other’s way a lot, costing you turns and attacks. So in any given fight, you want to have lots of options for positioning characters. Some moves go in a straight line in front of your character, some allow them to jump or trade places with enemies, and so on.

Every move and action comes with a diagram of how it affects the grid. This time, each fight takes place on a grid, and you can move your characters around the battlefield to get them in position to attack enemies, or out of the way to avoid incoming damage. The biggest difference between South Park: The Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole is a switch to a “tactics-style” battle system. Here are a few key strategies to help you power up early in South Park: The Fractured But Whole so you can beat up supervillains with the best of heroes. While The Fractured But Whole does a pretty good job of teaching you all the new rules as you play, there are still some key elements that are easy to overlook, which may lead you to miss out on opportunities to strengthen your character. While the basic structure from South Park: The Stick of Truthreturns, the battle system received an overhaul, and leveling up your character works in a whole new way. South Park: The Fractured But Whole changes up a few things from its predecessor.